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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Don’t be a puppet to the world

(Thoughtful Messages by Gregg Hoops on Face Book and MySpace)

Don’t be a puppet to the world, be a leader to yourself and an example to others surrounding you.

So lost in the moment that everything around you is a blur of confusion and the sounds you hear are cluttered and almost completely muted.
Preoccupying your time with the thoughts and dreams of a life you have yet to live or find, so you mingle though your days dwelling on a future you seemingly tell yourself you will never discover.

Comfortably numb to the life you are living today yet searching for a reason to escape. The strings that bind you cannot be severed do to the fear you have of your own failure or rejection of a new beginning.

We often find ourselves staying in situations that keep us from ever moving forward and not allowing ourselves that opportunity to excel forward into a better life that we know in our heart we deserve.

Most often of times the fear of failure and rejection is too overwhelming so we hold ourselves in the place we are, never allowing ourselves to take the next step to finding utter happiness. We settle our whole lives in the realization that if I stay in this place I will be ok, but knowing you will always live with regrets because we could of done so many things different that would of allowed us better opportunities and a brighter future maybe even a life we could not of ever dreamt about.

My answer to this is that I live my life each day knowing that I am the only person that can make decisions for me. I alone can only walk in my own footsteps. I am the only person that can take the first step in making my life different then it is today. I alone am the only person that can change me.
I know what makes me happy. I know what it is that I deserve. I know what my expectations are and I know what my dreams could lead me to.
The big question we are all faced with now is, how does one make it all possible?

One day at a time.

Make one decision at a time.

Make one goal at a time.

When you achieve a goal, the feeling is amazing. It lifts your spirits and drives you toward bigger and better goals in your life.

Goals can be the simplest of things are the largest thing you can imagine.
My advice to you is this; make your goals reasonable to your own lifestyle. If you can’t see it ever being accomplished then step back and rethink of ways to achieve your goals. Always remember that the goals that you set are goals for yourself. Never let anyone take the checkered flag from you when you reach your goal and most often of time we need to keep our goals to ourselves so that others cannot interfere with them.
If you fail the first time do not become frustrated, pick yourself up, brush off the dust and start over.

As with most things in life setting goals takes work. Motivation is the key to your success, and determination. Keep yourself focused on what it is that you want to achieve and don’t look back.

I wish all my friends the best of luck in all of your achievements and encourage you to make a new goal as we are now facing a new year upon us.
A fresh start in a new life of greater challenges.

Blessings to all of you and always a smile of encouragement. Pass them on because they are beautifully contagious and the world as we know it today deserves more of them.


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